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2020 Holiday Parade 2nd Sharon's Bakery Truck

2020 Holiday Parade 2nd Sharon's Bakery Truck

On Sale: $18.00
Retail Price:$24.00
Your Savings:$6.00(25%)
In Stock and Ready to Ship
Part Number:SALEQXR9131
2020 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament
Dimensions:1.31" W x 2.09" H x 2.37" D.
Artist: Tammy Haddix.
Continue the holiday parade with this sweet bakery truck Christmas tree ornament. Featuring a chef snowman behind the wheel, this red-and-white delivery truck hauls oversized donuts stacked like a festive Christmas tree, topped with green icing and colorful sprinkles. 2nd in the Holiday Parade Series.

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