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About Us

Hello! My name is Jane Bigham and I am the owner of Ornament Mall, THE PLACE for Hallmark collectors.
I have loved Hallmark as far back as I can remember. The "Card Shop" was our favorite gift shop throughout the year and of course, we always headed to the local Hallmark shop for after-Christmas sales. Since we live in Kansas City, home of Hallmark, there has always been a lot of Hallmark available for purchase. In 1990 my husband, Rick, and I started selling Hallmark collectibles at our local Kansas City flea markets, and soon after started attending Hallmark secondary-market shows and conventions. Things have changed since then. Now we are busy with Internet sales, both from Ornament Mall and Ebay (seller JaneBigham). Some of you got to know us via our first website, When we acquired, it soon became evident that it was too time consuming to maintain two websites, so we merged the sites into one, keeping the name
When we started selling, our goal was to put our three children through college. They were all in-and-out of our home while in school, but now they are all way beyond college and have careers and families of their own. We are very thankful that they have all stayed in the area especially since they have blessed us with eleven beautiful grandchildren who are the "sparkle" in our lives. Our oldest grandchild is 11 so you can imagine the fun we have when all the kids come to Grandpa and Grandma's house!
We still consider the Ornament Mall a family business. Collecting and selling has become a fun family activity for all the Bighams! Our children still love the ornaments and all have beautiful trees with ornaments representing their favorite activities and special events. Since the beginning, our children have helped with whatever needed to be done with the business. Whether their contribution be organizing inventory, packing orders, or helping us sell at Hallmark events, we have always been thankful for their interest in building our business to what it is today.

Keli came to work with us 20 years ago as a caregiver for my parents, who we had moved into our home. She now does most of our shipping and has become a serious collector herself and can answer the most difficult Hallmark questions. Our daughter-in-law, Megan, taught herself web design and built our website from scratch and still does all the website maintenance. Our children still help out in the evenings and on weekends whenever needed and then I get to babysit while everyone else works. It's fun to see the grandchildren become involved too and hear them talk about what "ownament" they NEED! They love to grab a sack and go shopping in the aisles for their favorite character ornaments. They are great help when the new ornaments come in because they still think it's fun to put the ornaments on the shelves and help organize. While unpacking the 2017 ornaments, our 8 year old Julia announced that "some day she was going to be running this place!" so we still have hope to keep the Ornament Mall in business for many years to come.
We have been so thankful for all the opportunities we have had and especially the people we have met along the way! We have many wonderful memories of trips we took with our family to attend Hallmark events. It seems like only yesterday that our youngest son (now 36) would attend Hallmark Conventions with us and go to sleep in the hotel bathtub because our room was full of "room hoppers" until 2 am. Our "Hallmark Family" has truly been a blessing and we treasure all the friendships that we have made!
It is our goal to serve you, whether it be answering your questions or helping you locate a missing item for your collection! We look forward to many celebrations with you at the Ornament Mall and continue to appreciate your business and friendship.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please email me at [email protected]